This is a platform for staying up-to-date.
We welcome your contributions and comments and encourage you to debate freely with others on the site.
- We just have a few simple guidelines that we ask you to abide by:
- We encourage comment on a range of topics and from diverse contributors, but we will only include items relevant for a decorum.
- For the benefit of all users, we aim to keep comment as lively and accessible as possible. So, please keep them as short (typically pieces range from 10 to 300 words). The best are those that have a central argument, written in accessible and jargon-free language as possible. We do not use footnotes but do like to ground claims in evidence so please embed links where relevant.
- We welcome intelligent and challenging debate, but avoid any pieces that involve personal attacks, are libellous, or offensive. Please respect other people’s views and beliefs and consider your impact on others when making your contribution.
- Any content you post must be your own original work and must not infringe the copyright (or other relevant rights) of others.
We will reject posts that we believe constitute advertising or spam.